A few months ago, just hearing the word, “diet” put me in a bad mood. The thought of going hungry, giving up my favorite snacks, exercising, and having to count calories was just not something I wanted to do. Let’s be honest, does anyone? However, that’s before I started MD Diet.
This photo was taken a couple days after starting MD Diet.
For the past 3.5 months, I have been doing MD Diet’s High Protein, Low Carb Diet. It’s been a game changer for me! Unlike most diets, I have not felt hungry at all during this time. In fact, some days I feel like I can’t eat another bite of food or I’m going to explode! Why is that? Well, the truth of the matter is, protein keeps your body feeling full, and that right there is the key to success. Eating things that are healthy for you, but also having those healthy food items packed with protein keeps your body full and helps you to burn fat.
Since MD Diet is overseen by a medical professional, they have some different booster shots and other medications that I think really helped with appetite control as well. These shots were given at my weekly weigh in appointments and helped with energy as well. After having a horrible past experience with an over the counter diet pill (acute liver failure), I would not dare take anything else without medical supervision.
Since starting this diet, the question I get asked the most is: “What do you eat?” Well, that changes from day to day. However this is what a typical day looks like:
Breakfast: Protein Shake (MD Diet has some really good flavors)
Healthy Snack
Lunch: This is the meal that has been hardest for me. Usually I will either have a Protein Pudding (from MD Diet), a lettuce wrapped burger, or another Protein Shake.
Healthy Snack
Dinner: Trying to keep the carbs and protein in the range recommended.
Do I always stick to the above menu? No, but I really try my hardest to.
These Protein Puddings are the perfect Lunch!
MD Diet has several flavors of Protein Pudding. My favorite is White Chocolate.
The thing that has shocked me the most about this diet, is after a few days, treats, candy, and snacks were just not on my mind. Every other diet I’ve EVER been on, all I can think about ALL DAY, EVERY DAY is snacks. For some reason, that was not the case here. In fact, there were a couple times (usually on the weekend) where, I’d cheat and eat a cookie or donut and truth be told, I’d eat part of it and be done. I just didn’t want the rest of it. AMAZING!
Another common question I get asked is, “Is this diet hard?” My answer is always “No! This is the easiest diet I’ve ever done.” The hardest part for me, has been finding meals that are packed in protein, with low carbs, but are more than just a piece of meat and some vegetables. That’s been tough, but honestly, I’ve found some amazing recipes.
Feels great to fit into clothes that didn’t fit before starting MD Diet.
Like I mentioned above, I’ve been on MD Diet for 3.5 months, and I feel like my progress so far, has been good. My clothes are fitting better than they have in well over a year. In fact, I have a couple skirts I haven’t been able to wear in two years and now they fit great! The best part is, I’m down just over 16 pounds (and my husband has lost a little over 20)! MD Diet works, is easy to follow, and honestly, has made me feel better than ever!
I’ve lost a little bit more than the weight of my vacuum!!
Before and After Photo. Down 16 pounds!
Diet, everyone’s least favorite four-letter word! Why is that? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because when we hear the word, “diet,” our thoughts immediately turn to feeling hungry and what we won’t be able to eat. At least, those are the two things I think of as soon as I hear the word diet or start to think about dieting. Oh, and exercise, I loathe exercise!
As a teenager and young adult, I never once had to worry about what I ate. I was the skinny girl in high school and college and had to work to gain weight. Then after I got married and had my first baby, I started struggling with my weight. It seemed the pounds just kept packing on and I was constantly trying different diets and exercise programs. Some seemed to work (for a bit), but on these diets, I constantly felt hungry and limited in what I could eat. I’d stay on the diet for a few weeks, and the hunger got to me and I’d end up not only gaining back the weight I’d lost, but even more.
This year (as my New Year’s Resolution), I made a goal to get back down to the weight which is listed on my Driver’s License. Don’t judge, we all fib a little on that one. The only problem was, I had no idea how I was going to get there. Then about a month ago, I was contacted by a local company to see if I’d be interested in working with them. That was the quickest, “YES!” I’ve ever said.
I began working with MD Diet (located in Salt Lake City, Utah) two weeks ago and have been blown away with how well I’m loving this program. I have not once been hungry, I’m losing weight, and I’m not missing those sugary snacks that I was eating on a daily basis. It sounds too good to be true, but trust me, it’s not!
Photo one week in. At this point, I had lost 5 pounds.
So, what exactly is MD Diet? The answer is simple, it’s a high protein, low carb diet that is customized for you. Unlike other diets, at MD Diet, they use a combination of education, prescription medications, and lifestyle modifications to help improve your health, all while safely losing weight. While on the program, you are under the guidance of nutritionists, a nurse practitioner, and experienced staff. This is what I love! You aren’t left to fend for yourself in the battle of losing weight. Everyone has been so helpful and supportive so far in my weight loss journey.
This is 5 pounds of fat. Two weeks in, and I’ve lost a little more than 1 of these.
I mentioned above that I’ve been doing this diet for two weeks. In those two weeks, I’ve lost 6.5 pounds, all without being hungry. For once, losing weight doesn’t seem like a chore to me. If you’ve been thinking about going on a diet, to shed those unwanted pounds, I suggest giving MD Diet a try.
After weigh in today. I lost another 2.4 pounds, for a total of 6.5 pounds lost.