Goals and Resolutions for a New Year





2017 was a year I was glad to see come to an end.  Don’t get me wrong, there were a few wonderful things that took place in 2017, (our family vacation to Europe, the start of my blog, another trip to New York Fashion Week) but it was also a year that had a lot of downs for our family.  Let’s hope those stay in the past and that there is nothing but a bright and happy 2018 in store for us.

With the start of a new year, I, like many of you, not only like to reflect on the past, but also set some goals and resolutions for the upcoming year.  I’ll be honest, I never write down my goals/resolutions, probably because I know when I see my list, it will be a reminder of what I have yet to accomplish, or have already given up on.  However, discouraging that can be, I’ve decided I need to be more accountable, and so I am going to write a list of goals that I’m hoping to either implement in my life, strive to accomplish, or try to perfect this year.



Artichoke Crate Dress c/o || Heels (similar) || Bracelet c/o || Ring c/o ||


If you’re reading this, and have not made a list of resolutions/goals, I encourage you to do so.  We can work towards achieving them together. Okay, so no more putting it off, here is what I’m working in for 2018.

  1. Laundry! I am the absolute worst at the laundry.  I will buy more socks, underwear, etc. because the pile is just too big, and I don’t want to do it.  This needs to change.  My goal is to stay on top of the laundry, so it doesn’t overwhelm me.
  2. Meal plan, Every Single Week!
  3. Two-three blog posts per week.  This is harder than you’d think.  I always have ideas running through my head for posts, but I usually don’t end up getting them on the blog.  This is about to change!
  4. Spend less time on my phone/computer when the kids are home.  They are growing up so quickly, I want to spend as much time with them as I can.
  5. Lose those 20 pounds I’ve been talking about for years. UGH!  This means eating less and exercising more.  I really wish it was the other way around.
  6. Read 24 books in 2018.  That equals out to 2 books a month.
  7. Work on my spiritual growth.  Scripture study and prayer every day!

My list isn’t overly long or overly difficult, but I think it will be tough to stick to these 7 goals/resolutions.  The key is starting today!  I’ve put it off for as long as I can, and nothing will get done if I don’t get to work.  Wish me luck!

Leave a comment letting me know what goals you’re working on this year.  I’d love to hear! Here’s to a fun, organized, and successful 2018!